
Flight Attendant School Intersky Study is a training school for Indonesian Flight Attendant and Airline Staffs, and Flight Attendant School Intersky Study is the first and the biggest Flight Attendant and Airline Management Training in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Indonesia.

Being Flight Attendant is a dream for many people. Traveling abroad, staying at luxurious hotels, and having good income are what many young people want when they have their career at airlines.

To get this, the candidates should work hard in their study, have good knowledge, skill, attitudes and good performance in order to be professional in their carrier. Therefore Intersky Provides them with characters building and other courses which are useful to take them to be qualified professional airliners.

The Instructor of courses are from airlines, hotels and other professionals such as Personality Development Expert, English instructor and other foreign language instructors
  1. The Program consist of theory and practice which are conducted in the classroom and industry. Theory consist of 40% and the practice is 60%.
  2. In conducting the practice or on the job training, the students are sent to airline company for three till six months.

With the program courses they got, the graduates of Flight Attendant School and airline staff are hope to be Professional in their jobs, have good hospitality and could develop the company’s brand image.

They are also hoped to be qualified and professional in serving the customers and could adjust in whatever situation they face and.
They are also hoped to be qualified and professional in serving the customers and could adjust in whatever situation they face and.

They are wide range career opportunities for graduates of INTERSKY. The Careers are among others

  1. Flight Attendant
  2. Ticketing and Reservation Staff at Airlines
  3. Ticketing and Reservation Staff at Travel Agents
  4. Ticketing and Reservation Staff at Hotels
  5. Customer Service Staff at Airline Offices
  6. Customer Service Staff at Airport
  7. Customer Service Staff at Travel Agents

Intersky Study doesn’t only provide the training for the candidates but also facilitates them to contacts the airline company for candidates’ recruitment. The Partners of the domestic airlines are Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Air Asia, Batavia Air, Merpati Nusantara Airlines, Pelita Air Sevice, and Sriwijaya Air.

To Conduct Recruitment, Intersky Contacts the airlines whether there is recruitment for Flight Attendant or airline Staffs.

If There is recruitment, Airline Company will conduct recruitment, selection and interview at Intersky’s Office, or Intersky sends the candidate to the towns/cities in Indonesia where the company airline have representatives. If candidate are successful, the candidate sign a contract with airline company.

For further information, please contact our Customer Service at :

Sekolah Pramugari INTERSKY STUDY Balikpapan, Telp 0542-440942 or by SMS at



65 komentar:

Anonymous said...

hi friend how are you ? i was here to visited you hope you visit me too.

thanks for good info.

Mr. X said...

i hoppe nice day,good day and the big thank 4 u...keep smile in all life.peace

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you? The first and the biggest in Balikpapan, oke, Congrulation to you.

Yudhi Ardani S said...

dengan senang hati ...

Anonymous said...

Ok sob..

Anonymous said...

thanks bror...

Anonymous said...

Great info & blog here...keep blogging friend;)

Shazwani said...

sudah link kamu :)

Amoi said...

this is a shout box?

Anonymous said...

ok, dg senang hati..tukeren link

Anonymous said...

wah wah FA la teringt crita awan dania.ok boleh ajer sy follow kamuu okeh

::( ';')جو أمير(';' ):: said...

hye..blog walking....thanx sudi melawat ke blog saya..salam perkenalan..

::( ';')جو أمير(';' ):: said...

blog walking..salam perkenalan..

Anonymous said...

hye :)

farhana said...


Anonymous said...

salam kunjungan :)

Anonymous said...

hai.. BTW link q di taruh dimana ya..?? kok gak ada..??

Balaji said...

hi i hv added u in my blog...do ad me and buzz me back

Ajwin Ajeera said...

Salam kenal..thanks for visiting me!Boleh je..

Balaji said...

hi add me in ur blog list...i hv added u

Ajeng said...


Unknown said...

hi there.. :)

Anonymous said...

tq 4 visit me ... nice blog

Anonymous said...

boleh tuker link, tp maaf pasang dulu punyku ya, kalo udah kabari, nanti aku link balik, masih repot nih

keSENGALan teserlah.. said...

hey there..thanx droping by yeah..

Anonymous said...

Okk.. Thanks ya.. ^_^ :D

dakwahcaptor said...

ok boley2..let exchange ours..

Anonymous said...

boleh juga kalau mau tukeran link, monggo aja saya tunggu, Goo_blog salam kenal

Anonymous said...

Salam Kenal, kalo sudah membaik keadaannya jangan lupa berkunjung :)

Unknown said...

hey..bisa aja donk..
link aku dulu ya

Amoi said...

ok.tq for your support

Anonymous said...

ok.. lets exchange link.. first u got to tell me ur name please

jebatsari said...

salam kenal jua. mari ketawa donggg

WanPok said...

mari ler kiter tukar2 link...

Anonymous said...

salam singgah.. boleh..

unknown said...

jom tkar link...

Anonymous said...

wah seneng nih bisa dapet info tentang sekolah pramugari, thx

Anonymous said...

mampir yaa.. tp blom ada posting baru :)

Anonymous said...

unique ur blog ni. kemas aje :) btw, kalau berminat bolehlah view katalog herba untuk turunkan berat badan,penawar segale penyakit, kesihatan lelaki dan wanita dan mcm2 herba lain...

Eye Candy said...


~miszirdawaty~ said...

salam kenalan deh...
mau tukaran link ya???
can2 lol...
hve a nice day~

pikul beban said...

nk tukar link.. bleh saja....

Anonymous said...

kunjungan balik.
salam kenal juga,
tukar link?, boleh...
link beebill anda taruh dimana?

Anonymous said...

hello there.
juz asking..
r the FA can wear scarf?
normally i heard.skirt 1 inch above the knees.am i ryte?

Unknown said...

Nice post,and thanks for sharing those information to us..;D
Have a nice day..=)
Keep on writing,;D

Inilah Sport said...

salam..saya dah link kamu..tukaran yer

Anonymous said...

bannernya gak apa-apa, bisa kok nyambung ke sini, tapi link friend of mine-nya kalo diklik gak bisa nyambung ke URL blog saya, kalo gak keberatan pasang photo kami yg di about me donk + URL-nya, maaf kalo merepotkan, btw, trima kasih banyak banget

Anonymous said...

kami tunggu kabarnya ya

Anonymous said...

dropping by :) nice shoutbox :D

Anonymous said...


rossizam said...

hai..saya dah link dah..jgn lupa link blog i lak yer..

Anonymous said...

Rapi banget asli deh ...

Kalo mau Xlink silahkan mampir

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Dedy W. Sanusi said...

thanks for visiting me. i add u in my blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog
Salam kenal ;)
semoga sukses.

reallylife said...

wah, di balikpapan ya???
aku kangen sama balikpapan, dah setaun ni ninggalin balikpapan
kemaren tinggal di daerah gunung sari dekat rumah sakit restu ibu
btw balikpapan sekarang nang kayak apa ya??

Anonymous said...

finally, I can join here..thanks

Anonymous said...

buat kakak senior koe salam knal dari aku junior angkt 10/11..smoga dpt mnjalin hubungan, link2 job nya ya kak..

triyani, 10/11

Anonymous said...

senang bisa bergabung di Intersky.. salam kenal cornelia simanjuntak, angk 10/11

hermawati said...

saya bangga bisa bergabung di intersky study.Semoga sukses

Anonymous said...

Unemployment is the worst case, but these can be minimized through education to everyone. In India, Government has made compulsory education to the all the children's and i hope in future there are morejob openingsand everyone gets benefited. Through this site Best of luck for getting a good jobs in your carrer

Jumriana SMKN 4 Balikpapan said...

1 Mengapa saya memilih intersky?
karna diintersky sesuai dengan minat yang saya inginkan dan memiliki peluang kerja yang baik
2 Apa pendapat saya tentang intersky?
Intersky merupakan tempat dimana saya dapat mendapatkan ilmu sesuai yang saya inginkan dan mendapatkan peluang kerja yang saya impikan
3 Harapan saya terhadap intersky?
semoga saya dapat mendapatkan ilmu yang sangat berharga dalam diri saya dan semoga apa yang saya impikan dapat tercapai dikemudian hari

Rahmi l. said...

1.menngapa anda memilih intersky?

jawab:saya memilih intersky untuk menambah pengalaman,wawasan serta ilmu pengetahuan di bidang penerbangan...
karna saya sangat tertarik di bidang tersebut,

2. apa pendapat anda tentang intersky?

jawab:pendapat saya, intersky merupakan sekolah yang banyak di minati oleh semua orang..karna sekolah tersebut dapat menunjang karier...di bidang penerbangan...

3.apa harapan anda terhadap intersky??

jawab: semoga intersky semakin sukses....

camelia said...

mengapa memilih intersky?
* karena ingin menjadi pramugari tapi terhubung tingginya kurang ya jadi coba masuk AM aja.

apa pendapat anda tentang intersky?
* bagus soalnya menjanjikan.

harapan terhadap intersky?
* semoga selalu sukses dan makin berkembang aja.

Anonymous said...

nama: lintang kharisma bahtari,asal sekolah:SMA N 3 TUBAN JAWA TIMUR

1 MENGAPA MEMILIH INTERSKY STUDY:karna sayaingin lekas kerja agar sedikit dapat membantu keluarga
2PENDAPAT TENTANG INTERSKY STUDY :LEMBAGA yang siap mencetak tenaga dlam bidang penerbangan kuliah singkat dapat kerja pula

pendapat saya ,semoga intersky selalu mecetak
mhasiswa siap kerja dan mampu mencetak
siswa siswi yg ahli dalam bidangnya

Anonymous said...


1. mengapa anda memilih intersky?
2. apa pendapat anda tentang intersky?
3. harapan anda terhadap intersky?

1. karena intersky study merupakan kuliah singkat
2. bagus karena kuliahnya hantya setahun dan bias cepat kerja
3. semoga intersky lebih banya lagi peminatnya

:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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